Ann was very active in her local community and loved helping others. She was part of a number of community groups, including the residents association and the neighbourhood watch. She helped disabled and elderly residents in many ways such as by getting their shopping. Ann had a passion for classic cars and she organised rallies in order to bring together like-minded people.
She also devoted much time to unfair telecoms matters. Ann engaged with GPs, patient transport services and retailers on their choice of telephone numbers.
She wrote twice to every English local authority with a 0845 number and carried out much painstaking research to form a list of authorities whose council tax payment lines used 084 numbers.
Among her successes was getting her local council to change its phone number. There was also the alarm company whose devices were running up big phone bills for users due to the type of number they were set to dial. Thanks to her work the company embarked on changing the number these units dial, resulting in a big logistical task reprogramming every last one all over the country.
We and everyone else are forever indebted for all Ann’s efforts.
Thank you Ann and rest in peace.