It is now being publicised and discussed.
Click on the items below (including the link within the animated Google ad).
As advised in our media release, the move from 0845 to 0300 was completed on 26 November. It is now being publicised and discussed. Click on the items below (including the link within the animated Google ad).
By yet another evasive written answer to a parliamentary question (see also ‘Some “jobsworth” from Health Minister Dr Dan Poulter”’) the Minister again appears to confirm that we do not have a “National” Health Service.
Our NHS is based on the principle that providers are paid to deliver NHS services from our taxation, not through charges which GPs and others may (indirectly) impose on us, e.g. by use of revenue sharing telephone numbers. The revisions to the GP contracts which came into effect from 1 April 2010 simply ensured that this principle could no longer be evaded. Because Primary Care Trusts have failed to enforce the revised contractual terms, this evasion continues. The Secretary of State for Health was asked what action he was taking to address this continuing undermining of the NHS. The answer from his Minister was clear - “NOTHING”. Compliance with the principles of our "National" Health Service is left to be decided by local officials. The policy being followed by NHS Kent and Medway (serving constituents of Tracey Crouch MP) leaves it to individual GPs, in consultation with their patients. This is not "our NHS".
See the news release for details of how Gloucestershire NHS has finally moved into compliance with the Directions to NHS bodies of December 2009, whilst allowing its contracted GPs to remain in breach.
This detailed briefing has been prepared for the benefit of the relevant officers of the NHS Commissioning Board who are already taking on the responsibilities that they will formally assume from 1 April 2013, in place of PCTs.
This briefing contains all of the latest coverage in the Kent Messenger (multiple titles) as well as references to other materials, e.g. maps, lists of GPs, detailed briefings arguing the points.
When asked to state the “policy” of the Secretary of State for Health on the issue of use of expensive telephone numbers, Health Minister Dr Dan Poulter has replied with a written answer (Hansard 29 Oct 2012 col 95W). He implies an ignorance and possible lack of concern about whether or not the terms of GP contracts are being enforced in every locality. Click above to view the question, the answer and also our annotation, which explains and reports what is actually happening.
This briefing paper (updated 10 December) explains how use of concurrent 084 and geographic numbers by NHS GPs IS a two-tier NHS. It includes simple quotations from relevant sources, actual examples and a detailed explanation with an illustration.
One quoted example refers to geographic number options, but concludes “we must stress in case of emergency please ring 084…”. My briefing concludes … It must be clear to all that a TWO-TIER NHS is unacceptable … at its very front door (access to GPs) … and obviously beyond! On Friday 19 October, the Kent Messenger reported and commented on the fact that more than 30 GP practices across the county continue to use and adopt banned 084 telephone numbers - see images from the paper.
The investigation which led to this report was prompted by a detailed briefing issued on 7 September 2012 by the fair telecoms campaign. View the full news release to read our comments. |
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October 2015